
Wednesday 18 April 2012


A few months back, amber rose was going around telling people that Kanye west put hands on her. That amber made those claims is not a rumour but fact. Generally nobody believes a word that comes out of amber rose's mouth, but a friend of kanye's ex-fiance alexis is cosigning.

Here is the report from this week's in touch

"[Kanye]'s an abuser," reveals a source close to Kanye's ex-fiance Alexis Phifer, adding that it was HIS CRUEL BEHAVIOR, that made Alexis end their 18-month engagement in 2008.

And ironically, one of their WORST fights - the one that got PHYSICAL - was over Kim [Kardashian]. "It was at a Fourth of July party they had at their house," the source shares. "Kanye was on his laptop, and Alexis came behind him and saw that he was looking at the screen of his phone - at a naked picture of Kim."
Alexis, a friend of Kim's before she met Kanye, wsa mortified. But when she asked her fiance about the photo, he became angry and defensive. "He said he couldn't control who sent him photos. But then he started getting dramatic - huffing and puffing and making a big deal." says the source.
"They went outside, and Kanye pushed Alexis into some bushes with ALL HIS FORCE. She was wearing a t-shirt and she got cuts and scratches EVERYWHERE and was bleeding. She was crying. But he just left her there. He got in his car and drove away."

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